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The Pleasant Revolution, the first and only Bicycle music Tour comes to Mexico from California.

The Pleasant Revolution, the first and only Bicycle music Tour comes to Mexico from California.
Lights when on this 12 November 2007 as a bunch of 14 persons went down the California hills for The Pleasant Revolution Tour. The musicians bike riders crossed the Mexican border and enter Tijuana this 13 December. The band wants to ride a total of 5,000 miles to old Palenque Pyramids in Chiapas, stopping in their way to offer rock and roll shows with the sound amplification only using human traction by 4 bicycles which generate 1000 watts of power for the microphones and other equipment.

The tour was ideated by the international folk/funk music band Ginger Ninjas. During the applauses between each song, members from the public offer themselves to pedal the bikes which operate and generate the necessary energy for the whole sound amplification system.

“What we want to demonstrate is that not only is possible to decrease our impact on the planet but to demonstrate that mostly of the time it is funnier” commented Kipchoge Spencer, leader of the Ginger Ninjas. “Really, it’s about living what we predicate”

This bunch of 14 persons use, as their only transportation vehicle, a sport bicycle named Xtracycle. On these bicycles the band members transport all their instruments and the amplification sound system as well. During the whole trip, from North California to South of Mexico, the musicians and their companions will travel and live without having any kind of help from other vehicle.

The Pleasant Revolution Tour is an NGO project from Worldbike and Kipchoge Spencer, who also is the Xtracycle Inc. founder.

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