Seoul Reclaims a River That Development Had Paved Over

I choose Cheonggye-cheon project as my presentation subject. this stream, which is the landmark of Seoul is I think is the good example of sustainable developments. As you know, there is a lot of hard thing to deal with at the begining. ; a number of debates on economical, political and environmental problems. Great attention has been shown to the projects by seoul citizen as well as most of korean.
I will limit myself to consideration of economical and environmental aspect except for a that of political.
the following text is about Cheonggecheon these days. (just read it before clss.)
In central Seoul these days, signs of helter-skelter industrial development are out, and attractions focusing on culture and the environment are in. Leading the transformation of Seoul, South Korea's capital, is a 6.8-mile river - more a stream or rivulet - and riverbank commercial area that the city finished restoring in October.
Since then, more than 10 million people have visited the river, the Cheonggyecheon, since it opened, braving Seoul's bitter winter to catch a glimpse of the stream that had symbolized South Korea's determination to catch up economically, without regard for the environment.
About four decades ago, the Cheonggyecheon was paved over, and a two-story expressway was built above it. Gritty residential neighborhoods and shops grew in the expressway's shadows. But Seoul's mayor, Lee Myung Bak, decided two years ago to bring back the river that a whole generation of South Koreans had never seen.
A 3.7-mile stretch of the expressway was demolished, revealing a stream of relatively clear water cascading over rocks and gravel. There are 22 bridges, some with foundation stones from as early as 1412, and elevated sidewalks that make their way among high rises. Some concrete supports of the expressway have been left. There is an information center at Cheonggye Plaza; or go to
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